
Chair Appointed by The President – Selected From The Membership of The Committee

Updated August, 2nd 2022

State Chair Responsibilities:

  1. Schedule and prepare an agenda for at least two (2) meetings of the IBA Advocacy Committee to be held in conjunction with the Iowa Bandmasters Association Conference in May and the summer IBA meeting and Work Session. Additional meetings will be held as required.
  2. Attend all IBA business meetings and submit a report.
  3. Represent college directors who are IBA members and share ideas and concerns with the IBA membership.
  4. Recommend possible clinic ideas to the president for the IBA conference.

District Chair Responsibilities

  1. Promote membership in the Iowa Bandmasters Association among college/university directors.
  2. Promote research and presentation of current pedagogical practices at district and state events for the betterment of the general membership.
  3. Encourage colleges/universities to establish IBA student chapters using the sample bylaws on the IBA website.
  4. Support the Student Affairs committee through mentorship, and encouraging and facilitating participation in district and state IBA events, including the annual conference.