Elections Chair

Appointed by Board of Directors

Updated August 2nd, 2022

  1. June/July Summer Meeting
    • Present any candidates for IBA Hall of Fame in written form (including bios) to the IBA Board of Directors, Advisory Board and membership present at the summer IBA business meeting. These nominations were submitted at the January nominations deadline of that year.
    • Submit a report at the Summer Meetings.
    • Send nomination information for the offices of President-Elect Karl King Distinguished Service Awards – active and retired, and IBA Hall of Fame to the IBA webmaster to be posted on the IBA website.
    • Send nomination forms to each district presidents. (Summer).
  2. November:
    • Submit an Elections Report for the IBA Fall Business Meeting (All-State).
  3. December:
    • Email district presidents requesting a slate of candidates from their district. Ask district presidents to contact their candidates reminding them of the deadline for submitting biographical information to the Elections Chair.
    • District presidents are responsible for submitting any nominations for Hall of Fame consideration by the January deadline.
  4. January:
    • Compile and edit the biographical information with pictures of the candidates for publication in the Winter Issue of the Iowa Bandmaster Magazine.
    • For accuracy, send edited biographical information to each candidate for their final approval and edits.
    • Once returned to the elections chair, forward the information and picture to the IBA Magazine editor.
  5. Late January – Early February: For Run Off Election ONLY
    • If there are four or more candidates for the office of President-elect, a run off election must be held. The Election Chair, who is an administrator of the IBA website, is responsible for setting up the electronic voting slate. This duty includes: setting up the slate of President-elect candidates, downloading their biographical information and picture.
    • Contact the IBA Secretary for a list of those members who do not have email addresses. Create a hard copy of the run off ballot
  6. February:
    • Feb. 1 – Have Webmaster send a group email to the membership informing them of the upcoming Run Off Election. This email should also include information for members (who have an email address) requesting a paper ballot. Deadline for this request must be made by email to the Elections Chair in the first full week of February.
    • Mail paper ballots to those members who do not have email addresses the first week of February. Postmark Deadline is February 24.
    • On-line voting begins February 15 and closes February 24. (ten days)
    • After votes are tabulated, the Elections Chair will inform the President-elect candidates and the IBA President of the results. The top three vote getters will move on to the General Election.
  7. March: General Election
    • The Elections Chair, who is an administrator of the IBA website, is responsible for setting up the electronic voting slate. This duty includes: setting up the slate of President-elect candidates, Karl King Distinguished Service Award – Active and Karl King Distinguished Service Award – retired and downloading their biographical information and picture.
    • Contact the IBA Secretary for an updated list of those members who do not have email addresses. Create a hard copy of the run off ballot
    • First week in March – Have the Webmaster send a group email to the membership informing them of the upcoming General Election. This email should also include information for members (who have an email address) requesting a paper ballot. Deadline for this request must be made by email to the Elections Chair on or before March 8.
    • Mail paper ballots to those members who do not have email addresses by March 10. Postmark Deadline is April 1.
    • On-line voting begins March 15 and closes April 1.
    • After votes are tabulated, the Elections Chair will inform the winners of the General Election (President-elect as well as the Karl King Service Award recipients.) Email those candidates who were not winners in the election. Inform the Board of Directors the results of the General Elections. Inform the Webmaster the winner for the office of President-elect and have them send an email to the membership with the results. The results of the Karl King Award recipients are not to be announced until the IBA Banquet.
    • Contact the person in charge of the Karl King Service Award plaques with the names of the recipients. (Leon Kuehner)
  8. May
    • Submit a report at the Friday IBA Conference Business meeting with a breakdown of the votes cast for each office as well as the total number of votes cast.
    • Inform the IBA President and the Board of Directors of the specific number of votes received by each candidate. This information is not to be published in the IBA Magazine.
    • Present the recipients of the Karl King Distinguished Service Awards at the Friday evening banquet.
    • The Elections Chair receives a complimentary IBA conference banquet ticket.