Major Landers

Chair Appointed by The President

Updated October 16th, 2022

1. Submit minutes of all committee meetings to the IBA Secretary and post those minutes on
the committee webpage

2. Organize and implement the Major Landers Scholarship program.

3. Share Google Drive with Major Landers district chairpersons (includes interview questions,
sight-reading materials, timelines/deadlines, theory test key, study guide, etc.)

4. Entry blank should be updated on the IBA website each fall.

5. District candidate’s photo and bio must be received by March 1 and sent to IBA Magazine

6. Select members from the IBA membership to listen to the auditions at the IBA Conference.

7. Acquire certificates and trophies for candidates from the IBA Secretary.

8. Audition process requires a warm-up room and a performance room with piano. Candidates
take a music theory test, sight-read music, play 2-3 major scales, interview with committee
and perform a solo (need to supply 3 copies for judges).

9. All candidates receive cash prizes (currently 1st–$2,500, 2nd–$2,000, finalists– $1,500).
Give a copy of the results to the Endowment Fund treasurer, IBA Secretary, and IBA
Director of Communications.

10. Winner performs at the IBA Conference Banquet. Receives complimentary tickets and
reserved table for self, parents, director and accompanist (arrangements made by

11. Chairperson will report on district finalists, introduce the winner, and give a brief bio at the
IBA Conference banquet. Also, the district chairperson should receive a complimentary
IBA banquet ticket.

12. Committee members are selected by each district to serve a staggered three-year term. Each committee member may serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms.

13. Schedule, prepare an agenda and run a meeting of the IBA Major Landers district chairs at
the IBA Conferences.

14. Attend all IBA business meetings and submit a report.

15. Update documents, information, etc. on IBA Major Landers website as needed.

Major Landers District Chair Responsibilities

  1. Update documents on district website.
  2. Remind district membership of scholarship requirements and registration deadline by December 1st through the district presidents membership emails on a regular basis.
  3. Report audition date to state chairperson and online theory test facilitator.
  4. Secure and reserve audition site and specific rooms.
  5. Create audition schedule.
  6. Secure judges and test proctor.
  7. Send schedule and all necessary information to judges, test proctor, candidates, and their band director.
  8. Report 1st place winner to state chairperson
  9. Report all winners to district treasurer.
  10. District certification forms to be sent to district winners.
  11. Request district treasurer send stipend check to 1st place winner in the amount of $25.00 and IHSMA recommended mileage (currently .40 per mile) to Des Moines for state competition.
  12. Attend Major Landers Committee meeting on Thursday of the IBA Conference.