Updated August 2nd, 2022
- Assist the president in carrying out the duties of the office and assume the office of president in the case the president shall be unable to serve.
- Attend all IBA business meetings and submit a report.
- Attend all Board of Directors meetings.
- Contact district presidents and make sure that every district has representation on each IBA committee.
- Consult with the President to appoint IBA committee chairs.
- Make sure all website documents and forms are updated and sent to IBA webmaster.
- Collect information concerning IBA retiring members and tenure award recipients.
- Send list to the IBA secretary by the first week of April. Plaques are given to the recipients at the IBA Conference Banquet. A short bio of the retiring members will be given.
- Submit an article to each issue of the IBA magazine.
- Organize and find sponsorship ($500-$600) for the IBA past president’s luncheon held on Saturday of the IBA Conference. Invitations should be sent in late March with a return date of mid-April.
- The number in attendance should be given to the conference hotel catering service prior to the IBA Conference. Select a menu with the catering service director’s assistance.
- Research and get attendance of each clinic for the annual IBA Conference by attending as many events as possible to understand existing procedures.
- Collect ideas and suggestions about potential clinicians and performing ensembles for the IBA Conference.
- Make contact with potential clinician sponsors and Iowa Association of School Music Dealers at the IBA Conference and Midwest Clinic.
- Lodging, banquet, ticket, and conference fee at the IBA Conference will be provided by the IBA.
- Attend all IBA Board of Directors meetings and submit a report.
- Assist the IBA President with the organization and collection of the audition tapes or CD’s of potential conference performing groups and select bands according to the IBA resolutions.
Panel #1 – listen to: | Panel #2 – listen to: |
Elementary concert bands – pick one max | HS concert bands 3A – pick one max |
MS/JH concert bands 1A/2A – pick one max | HS concert bands 4A – pick one max |
MS/JH concert bands 3A/4A – pick one max | MS/JH jazz bands – **pick one max |
HS concert bands 1A – pick one max | HS jazz bands – **pick one max |
HS concert bands 2A – pick one max | (**one jazz band total is all that is required) |
Each panel is to be comprised of at least:
- 1 non-voting proctor who is without influence in the process
- 1 elementary director
- 1 MS/JH director
- 1 HS 1A or 2A director, 1 HS 3A or 4A director
It is strongly recommended that panel participants not speak to others regarding their participation in this event. It is for their protection if asked compromising questions by directors that submit recordings. (i.e., Why wasn’t my band chosen?)
- The listening session will begin at ___pm and concluded by ___pm.
- The IBA President-Elect will remove/cover all information written on the recordings that would identify the school and/or director to the proctor or panel members.
- Each ensemble recording will be assigned a code.
- The IBA president will determine how many performance slots are available for the upcoming conference, address each panel, with advisement, of how many bands in total should actually be selected for this conference.
- The IBA President will not be present during the listening and deliberation process, but available to answer questions or give direction to the panel discuss as needed.
- Each panel will have their own room and audio equipment.
- Each panel will have a proctor to run the audio equipment, and will identify each ensemble by the code assigned by the IBA President-Elect. When possible, it is recommended that past IBA Presidents, or IBA members who have served on past listening panels be assigned as proctors.
Panel members will be supplied with worksheets to use for writing down points and remembrances of each band. Worksheets will not be collected. They will be used only as a personal reference to assist in selecting a band
Panel members will listen to a short segment of each band in each category and determine if that band might be a qualified ensemble worthy of being invited as a guest band for the conference
The proctor will have created two stacks of recordings after the panel has listened to all bands for each category. One stack for bands that should be listened to again to select down to the band that will be invited, and the second, a discard pile for bands not meeting IBA performance standards.
Panel members will then listen more extensively to the recordings of bands that have merit.
It is important to note that if none of the bands in a category sound good enough to be a guest honor band, then there should not be any selected.
The proctor will record panel members vote and selection for each category on a master sheet.
The president may select a second band in any given category, should a category go unfilled. The second band would have to meet IBA expectations for conference honor bands. Both panels would be asked for input on the selection of the second band, but the president would make the final decision from the recommendation of the panels. If the panel cannot recommend a second band of conference quality, then the category would go unfilled.
The selected bands will be posted on the IBA website and all bands will receive notification.
Water, soda, and cookies will be available for panel participants. Panel members do not receive any honorarium or gratuity.