Chair Appointed by The President – Selected From The Membership of The Committee
Updated: August 2nd, 2022
Responsibilities of the Chair:
- Attend all IBA business meetings and submit a report.
Chair and Committee Members
- Attend all IBA business meetings.
- Represent college IBA members and share ideas and concerns with the IBA membership by sharing concerns that are brought to the committee by student members.
- Recommend possible clinic ideas to the president and executive board for the IBA conference that serve to benefit both student members of IBA, as well as other members of IBA, and conference attendees.
- Encourage all IBA student members to attend the new director/student reception as well as other clinics and performances at the IBA conference.
- Promote membership in the Iowa Bandmasters Association among college/university instrumental music education majors.
- Encourage IBA student chapters to interact with chapters at other universities and colleges throughout the state.
- Encourage colleges/universities to establish IBA student chapters using the sample bylaws on the IBA website.
- Support IBA by being a resource to the organization as a whole by serving as a liaison between student members and the organization to assist with conference and other event needs as requested by the president.