The IBA is pleased to announce the following ensembles have accepted invitations to perform at the 96th Annual IBA Conference.
- Boulder Peak 6th grade, Amy Kraeplin
- Northwest Junior High School, Kevin Brown and Josh Carlo
- South Hamilton High School, Alexa Gibbs
- Independence High School, Joel Knipe
- West Des Moines Valley High School, Josh Waymire
- Iowa Brass, Alex Beamer
We look forward to hearing these inspiring performances in Des Moines, May 11- 13, 2023.
Best wishes to everyone for continued success this year. Now more than ever, the work being done in band rooms across Iowa is very important in the lives of our students and for our society.
Continue to bring music’s power of healing and wellness to your students and communities. It makes a difference.
Mary Crandell, IBA President