District President

Elected by The District Membership – One/Two Year Term

Updated August 2nd, 2022

  1. Schedule and prepare agendas for district meetings.
  2. Attend and prepare reports for state IBA meetings in summer (Des Moines), November (Ames), and May (IBA Conference). Also send reports to the IBA President and Secretary.
  3. Replace chairpersons of district committees whose terms have expired by appointment or election.
  4. Formulate and distribute the district newsletter and reports.
  5. Call meetings of district officers and committee members as needed.
  6. See that all IBA committees have district representation. Report new committee members to the IBA President-Elect by June 1st.
  7. Report any deceased IBA members in the district to the IBA president and secure a picture and obituary for the IBA magazine editor.
  8. Organize the selection of district candidates for IBA offices, Karl King Service Award (Active and Retired), and the IBA Hall of Fame Award.
  9. Organize the host sites and dates for all district-sponsored events.
  10. Coordinate the identification of new band directors in the district with the mentorship chairperson by September 1st.
  11. Oversee the updating of information on the district website.
  12. Remind district events chairpersons to examine that all participants are current IBA members.
  13. Share information concerning office responsibilities with president-elect.
  14. Send the names of district retiring IBA members and tenure award recipients to the IBA president-elect by March 1st.
  15. Send a $200 district donation for the IBA Conference Banquet to the IBA treasurer.