Elected by The District Membership – One/Two Year Term
Updated August 2nd, 2022
- Schedule and prepare agendas for district meetings.
- Attend and prepare reports for state IBA meetings in summer (Des Moines), November (Ames), and May (IBA Conference). Also send reports to the IBA President and Secretary.
- Replace chairpersons of district committees whose terms have expired by appointment or election.
- Formulate and distribute the district newsletter and reports.
- Call meetings of district officers and committee members as needed.
- See that all IBA committees have district representation. Report new committee members to the IBA President-Elect by June 1st.
- Report any deceased IBA members in the district to the IBA president and secure a picture and obituary for the IBA magazine editor.
- Organize the selection of district candidates for IBA offices, Karl King Service Award (Active and Retired), and the IBA Hall of Fame Award.
- Organize the host sites and dates for all district-sponsored events.
- Coordinate the identification of new band directors in the district with the mentorship chairperson by September 1st.
- Oversee the updating of information on the district website.
- Remind district events chairpersons to examine that all participants are current IBA members.
- Share information concerning office responsibilities with president-elect.
- Send the names of district retiring IBA members and tenure award recipients to the IBA president-elect by March 1st.
- Send a $200 district donation for the IBA Conference Banquet to the IBA treasurer.