
Chair Appointed by The President

Updated August 2nd, 2022

  1. Oversee the implementation of the IBA Mentorship program that involves the identification of new band directors in each district and appointing experienced IBA members to serve as mentors.
  2. District Mentorship Chairs shall coordinate with District IBARD Chairs in identifying
    new teachers.
  3. Gather information from the district chairpersons by September 1st.
  4. Stay in close contact with first year teachers and their mentors (telephone, letter, email) throughout the year.
  5. Contact the college supervisors of first year teachers and inform them of the mentorship program.
  6. Contact the IBA Student Affairs chair and College Affairs chair and inform them of the mentorship program and garner their assistance in informing college instrumental music education students of the mentorship program.
  7. Consider informing all administrators and school boards throughout Iowa of the
    mentorship program.
  8. Attend all IBA business meetings and submit a report.
  9. Schedule and prepare an agenda for at least 2 meetings of the IBA Mentorship committee (All-State Music Festival and IBA Conference are recommended).
  10. Committee members will be reimbursed mileage by the IBA. It is suggested that members use school vehicles when possible to avoid expenses.
  11. Committee members are selected by each district to serve a three-year term (successive terms are acceptable).
  12. Attend all IBA business meetings and submit a report.

Mentor Coordinator (pres. appointment)
Coordinates IBARD, Mentorship committees, works with IAAE Mentor Program.


  1. To help identify first-year and new to Iowa band directors.
  2. To assign IBARD band directors to first year band directors if requested.