IBA Resolutions


  1. The IBA has formally established the following committees within the organization: Jazz Affairs, Marching Band Affairs, Concert Band Affairs, Elementary Affairs, Junior High/Middle School Affairs, College Affairs, IBARD, Mentorship, Research and Development, Public Relations, Major Landers, Student Affairs, Technology, and Advocacy. Each district shall have a member on each committee. Each committee’s membership shall be set in staggered, three-year terms on a rotating basis. Each committee member may serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms. Each committee shall have a chairperson, who shall be appointed annually by the President. The chairperson of each standing committee shall be selected by the President from the membership of that committee. (1981) (1985) (1991) (1995) (1997) (2006) (2008) (2018)
  2. IBA officers will receive payment for mileage at a corresponding rate of Iowa High School Music Association mileage payments for necessary trips of IBA business. (1974) (1991) (2006)
  3. The IBA shall sponsor an exchange of delegates (president or someone named by him) with one similar organization each year. This exchange is to be initiated by our inviting such a person from another association as our guest next year. (1978)
  4. Resolved: That if any honorary life member is also a dues-paying IBA member in either active or retired status, that member will retain his or her voting rights. (1986)
  5. The Iowa Bandmasters Association will endorse the concept of the Iowa Band Hall Museum, which is the state’s last remaining authentic municipal band hall, located in Cedar Falls. The museum will serve as a repository for some of Iowa’s band artifacts, photos, music, uniforms, instruments, and historical documents. The museum will also serve as a public exhibit for the Iowa Band Hall of Fame, and will display items of interest to the Public on regularly scheduled days and times as do other local museums. The Iowa Band Hall Museum will be operated by a board consisting of an IBA representative, the Cedar Falls Municipal Band director, manager, building trustees, president, and historian. (1992)
  6. Only school districts whose high school is located in a county adjacent to the border of the requested IBA “receiving” district may apply for a district change. Mileage, whole grade sharing, or reconsolidation will be considered appropriate rationale for such requests. First Time Requests School Districts who wish to change I.B.A. districts need to complete a “Request to Change I.B.A. District” petition form. The petition form and a letter of explanation must be sent to the I.B.A. President by September 30 of the year preceding the anticipated change.Should a school district that has changed from their assigned IBA district be involved in a consolidation or a whole grade sharing arrangement, then the school district will need to complete a “Request to Change IBA District” petition form requesting permission to continue participating outside of the geographical district.The IBA Board of Directors will review the request and pass their recommendation on to the school administrator, and the district presidents of the “outgoing” district and the “receiving” district.Both the IBA “outgoing” district and the IBA “receiving” district memberships must approve the requested change by a simple majority using a SECRET BALLOT. It is recommended that the voting take place at winter business meetings no later than March 15th of the year preceding the requested change.Should there be a disagreement between the outgoing and receiving district after the secret ballot vote, the district change request will then be forwarded to the board of directors for resolution of the matter. The decision of the board of directors will then be final.School districts who have received IBA Board approval to change districts prior to May 2008 will be grandfathered in to their current IBA district. These school districts would be required to complete a “Request to Change IBA District” petition form only in the event of future consolidation or a whole grade sharing arrangement. (1992) (1997) (2008) (2011)
  7. Be it resolved that the Iowa Bandmasters Association allow each member’s name, school or business name and address, IBA district, e-mail address(es), and school phone number [to] be placed on the internet, unless specifically requested on the member’s registration card that this information not be posted on the IBA website. (1998)
  8. The Iowa Bandmasters Association will make available upon request IBA directory data for members of the IBA Advisory Board for Association business. Upon request to the IBA Secretary, directory data will be available to other concerns but limited to the director’s name and school address, telephone and fax numbers. Further, said concerns must be members of the Association and pay a fee as determined by the Board of Directors. Address labels may be requested by members and non-members (higher costs for non-members). Data disks (electronic transfer) are available to members only. (1998) (2004)
  9. IBA Conference

    1. All student members may attend the Iowa Bandmasters Association annual conference. They will not be charged a Conference Fee and may attend all activities. They will not have the right to vote. (1974) (1997) (2009)
    2. The IBA encourages the attendance of school administrators to the IBA Conference and admits them free as our guests. (1975) (1997)
    3. At least two junior high/middle school concert bands shall be selected to perform at the IBA conference each year. They will be chosen as follows: One from Class 1A or 2A, and one from Class 3A or 4A. (1979) (1991) (1997) (2006)
    4. At least one elementary or beginning band shall be selected by the IBA to perform at the Iowa Bandmasters Association conference. (1983) (1997)
    5. Performing groups selected as IBA Honor Bands will not be considered to perform at the Iowa Bandmasters Association Conference in that capacity more often than once every three years (e.g., a musical group performing at the 2000 IBA Conference cannot perform again until 2003). A performing group may be chosen as a clinic or demonstration band at the discretion of the IBA President. Such participation will not negate or interrupt the performing group’s eligibility to be selected as an IBA Honor Band as outlined above. (1983) (1997) (2009)
    6. If no band meets the representation standards for their class when auditioning for the conference, none will be chosen from that class. (1986)
    7. It is recommended that the IBA Band Selection Committee consist of at least: 1 non-voting proctor who is without influence in the process, 1 elementary director, 1 middle school/junior high director, 1 high school 1A or 2A director, 1 high school 3A or 4A director. (1985) (2006) (2010) (2019)
    8. The IBA will sponsor a junior high/middle school honor band to rehearse and perform at the IBA conference. This band will be organized and administered by the IBA Junior High/Middle School Band Affairs Committee. (1988) (1997) (2010)
    9. The Iowa Bandmasters Association, Inc. believes that the Major Landers six state finalists should receive cash awards. The amounts of said scholarships shall be determined by the Endowment Fund Committee subject to the availability of endowment funding. These scholarships shall be presented directly to the scholarship winners in the following manner: half of the amount paid at the beginning of each semester of the freshman year as a declared instrumental music education major in an Iowa college or university. (1974) (1976) (1984) (1992) (1995) (1997) (2006)
    10. It is recommended that each IBA district adopt unified cash award figures in the Major Landers competition. (1976)
    11. It is recommended that the scholarship winners at each district level be properly recognized in the IBA Magazine at the discretion of the editor. (1976)
    12. It shall be the responsibility of the district scholarship chairperson to notify the district membership and IBA officials of specific audition procedures no later than January 20. District presidents could assume the responsibility of Major Landers chairpersons. (1976)
    13. Information about the Major Landers scholarship auditions should be disseminated by the state chairman. A test will be given with the auditions.
    14. Each participant at the state level of the Major Landers scholarship auditions will receive a formal certificate of recognition in addition to the trophy. (1976)
    15. It is recommended that each district be responsible for and take care of the expenses incurred by the candidate from that district to the city of the conference center. It is further recommended that the mileage amount paid be the amount set by the IHSMA Board for the current academic year. The amount of the other expenses paid to the candidate shall be determined by each district. (1976) (2006)
    16. The IBA shall present two trophies to the winner of the Major Landers scholarship. One to be placed in the winner’s school trophy case. (1976) (2006)
    17. Awards and Recognition

      1. Each IBA district may elect an active member and a retired member as candidates for the Iowa Bandmasters Association Distinguished Service award. These nominations should be received by the IBA secretary by January 31. (1978)
      2. The IBA shall establish a Hall of Fame for deceased members who have made significant contributions to the organization (IBA) and school band programs.
      3. Each district may nominate persons to the IBA Hall of Fame for Deceased Members each year. The nominees will be reviewed by the Board of Directors each year at the summer or fall meeting for possible inclusion into the Hall of Fame. (1988) (1997)
      4. A memorial for a deceased member shall be provided by IBA in the amount of $50.00. The memorial will be directed to the IBA Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund Committee shall keep a “Memorial Role of Deceased Members” which will list all memorials received from the IBA General Fund as well as memorials of deceased members from all other sources. Be it further resolved, the Endowment Fund Committee will send an acknowledgement to the deceased member’s family of the IBA memorial and any other memorials given to the Endowment Fund. (1993) (2006)
      5. Be it resolved, that the Iowa Bandmasters Association should recognize and honor those members who have achieved 30 years of contracted service to the students of Iowa schools. Said service need not be consecutive, and may include any combination of elementary, middle school, junior high, high school, or college. Awardees will be recognized and presented with a plaque at the annual Iowa Bandmasters Association conference. Presentation of the award may take place at the annual IBA banquet. (2007) (2011) (2019)
      6. The Iowa Bandmasters Association shall establish a means for honoring the work and legacy of Iowa Bandmasters whose active careers occurred before the existence of IBA. These “pioneer” bandmasters laid the groundwork upon which our great Iowa band tradition is built.
      7. Members of the IBA Board of Directors who have given ten or more years of consecutive service on the board will be formally recognized at the IBA Conference Banquet of their final year of service. The IBA President will be responsible for the creation and presentation of this Special Service Award. (2009)
      8. Legislation

        1. The IBA believes in promoting legislation that would allow school districts to purchase uniforms.
        2. Pep band performances at winter sports activities should be limited to no more than 10 events. (1975)
        3. The IBA believes that Jazz education should be considered an important part of the total instrumental music program. (1978) (2006)
        4. The Iowa Bandmasters Association resolves that music is a core subject in the school curriculum and that it be treated as such by school districts as they address future curricular needs and revisions. (2009)
        5. Promoting Music Education

          1. The IBA shall contribute $300 to the Friends of Public Television each year in an effort to publicly show support of the arts in Iowa. (1977)
          2. The IBA shall fund the Iowa Alliance for Arts Education for a minimum of $1,000 annually as long as, in the opinion of the Executive Board, this group is working in the best interests of music education. (1985) (1995) (2007)
          3. The IBA shall allow for the formation of student chapters of the Iowa Bandmasters Association on college and university campuses. Said chapters may be formed by adopting the Student Chapter Constitution set forth by the Iowa Bandmasters Association. (2006)